
My name is Emily and I’m a twenty something that started a blog because I wanted some experience writing.  I’ve decided to do the National Novel Writing Month in November challenge, or  NaNoWriMo, and twist it to fit my needs.  Instead of writing a 50,000 word novel in the month of November I will get done a long list of things I’ve been meaning to do.  Like writing a manual (no fun, but it’s needs to get done), starting my own blog, and writing blog pieces for a work related blog that I’d like to get started.  I don’t have much writing experience except papers for class and doing my work’s blog, so hopefully this blog will be an enjoyable experience for both you and I and not pure torture.  Also, shout out to my sister who helped me come up with the name for my blog.  She’s the best!

Here is a little bit more about me.  I’m terrified of the dark and getting older.  The dark scares me so much that I actually sleep with a light on sometimes, especially after I’ve had a zombie dream, which occur frequently.  Getting older is worse, because I love to play tennis, run, and travel.  It makes my heart sink just thinking about the day I won’t be able to do the things I love anymore.  I’m always on edge that I’ll never accomplish all the things I’ve wanted to.  For example, I want to find out what my dream job is, experience new cultures by traveling the world, live in a different country for at least year, and find out what I can do to make the world a better place.

I know a little about a lot.  Which is why this blog will sometimes seem like it’s coming from five different people.  I have a lot of hobbies and I’m hoping with this blog I’ll be able to hone in on each of my individual hobbies and help people enjoy these hobbies one day as well…as long as they’re interested.  The hobbies I will cover the most of will include traveling, gardening, theater (including actual theater, movies and television shows), health and fitness, and food.  Just to note there will probably be short blogs about other things, but I’m guessing those will be the main topics covered.

If you want to know more about me just ask, or better yet read this blog and you will find out more about me then you wanted to know.  For all you grammatically correct or OCD English loving people out there feel free to constructively criticize my writing.  If I make a mistake or can make something better, I want to know.

Enjoy the journey,


9 thoughts on “About

  1. If it puts your mind at ease about aging, I just turned 65 and you would never know it. I get around about the same as I did in my twenties. I don’t drink or smoke, have always eaten healthy, chocolate and ice cream are my weaknesses. I have always worked out, but not overly so in my later years, mostly dancing and walking. So, there is hope on that front. I don’t care for the dark either and have to use a nightlight so I don’t stub my toe in the middle of the night, lol!

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